Worksheet for Subject Verb Agreement for Grade 8

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Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of writing and communication. It is the grammatical rule that requires the verb of a sentence to agree with the subject in number and person. Subject-verb agreement may seem simple, but it can be challenging for many students, particularly those in grade 8. However, a worksheet for subject-verb agreement can help them develop a better understanding of the concept and improve their writing skills.

Here is a sample worksheet that can help grade 8 students practice subject-verb agreement:

1. Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject in the following sentences:

a. The students (is/are) ready for the quiz.

b. Each of the boys (has/have) a basketball.

c. The book on the shelf (belongs/belong) to Ms. Smith.

d. Neither the dog nor the cats (likes/like) to play with the ball.

2. Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences:

a. The group of teenagers are planning a trip to the beach.

b. There`s three new stores in the mall.

c. My cousin and best friend is coming over for dinner.

d. Me and my friends watches movies every Friday night.

3. Rewrite the following sentences to ensure that the verb agrees with the subject:

a. The news about the robbery were shocking.

b. The data collected from the survey shows a trend.

c. Neither of my parents seems to like sushi.

d. The group of runners from the school are preparing for a marathon.

By completing this worksheet, students in grade 8 can improve their understanding of subject-verb agreement and become more confident in their writing skills. However, it is important to note that practice and consistency are essential for mastery. Teachers and parents can provide additional resources and guidance to help students further develop their writing skills and succeed academically.