Water Corporation Enterprise Agreement

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Water Corporation Enterprise Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Water Corporation Enterprise Agreement is a document that outlines the conditions of employment for employees of the Western Australian Water Corporation. This agreement is negotiated between the Water Corporation and employee representatives, such as unions, and sets out the terms and conditions of employment, including pay, working hours, and entitlements.

Here`s what you need to know about the Water Corporation Enterprise Agreement:

1. Who is covered by the agreement?

The agreement covers all employees of the Water Corporation, including full-time, part-time, and casual staff. It also covers employees who are engaged through labor hire agencies or contractors, if they perform work that is normally undertaken by Water Corporation employees.

2. What are the key provisions of the agreement?

The agreement sets out a range of provisions related to pay, working conditions, and entitlements. Some of the key provisions include:

– Annual salary increases of 2% per year

– Paid parental leave of up to 14 weeks, at full pay

– Flexible working arrangements, including part-time and job-share options

– Additional leave entitlements, such as personal leave and cultural leave

3. How does the agreement relate to the law?

The Water Corporation Enterprise Agreement is a legal document and is binding on both the Water Corporation and its employees. It is also subject to the Fair Work Act 2009, which sets out the minimum standards for employment in Australia.

4. Why is the agreement important?

The Water Corporation Enterprise Agreement is important because it sets out the terms and conditions of employment for Water Corporation employees. By negotiating and agreeing on these terms, both employees and the Corporation can work together to create a harmonious and productive workplace.

In conclusion, the Water Corporation Enterprise Agreement is a vital document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for the Western Australian Water Corporation`s employees. If you are an employee of the Corporation, it is important that you understand the details of this agreement to ensure that you are receiving fair and equitable treatment in the workplace.